Amazon Backend Keywords: Do’s & Don’ts

Backend keywords (BEKWs) are…just like they sound…on the backend of your Amazon product listings.

For this reason, many sellers ignore them. If the customer doesn’t see it, why should you care??

Well, the simple reason that you should care about BEKWs is: They help determine whether a customer will actually see your product listing in the first place!

BEKWs help with discoverability and traffic. It doesn’t matter how well-optimized your product listing is if the Amazon A9 algorithm doesn’t consider it relevant and customers can’t find it.

With that in mind, here’s a brief rundown of best practices for populating your BEKWs, as well common mistakes.


1) Add all relevant keywords from your research that you couldn’t fit into your product title, bullet points, product descriptions, and A+ content. You have 249 bytes of space on the backend of your listings; use it all!

2) If you already have BEKWs in place, use the Search Term Optimizer tool in the Brand Dashboard to scrub and replace any low value keywords (the “pink words”).

3) Include spelling variations, synonyms and abbreviations

4) Include second language versions of your top keywords (eg. Spanish terms in the US)

5) Speak in the language of your customers! Mine product reviews and social media chatter about your product line/category for keywords frequently used by your customers

6) Use a reverse ASIN lookup tool (e.g. Helium 10 Cerebro or Seller Tools R2A) to find the keywords that your competitors are ranking organically for and include them in the backend.


1) Do NOT duplicate keywords that you have already used on your product detail page. You don’t get bonus SEO juice from this, so don’t waste the space. (NOTE: The Search Terms Optimizer tool will tell you if you’ve duplicated any keywords)

2) Do not include ASINs or SKUs

3) Do not include other brand names

4) Do not use temporary modifiers (new, on sale) or subjective claims (best, cheapest)

5) Do not include abusive or offensive terms

6) Do not use punctuation or capital letters


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